As a full user: Email required

Sign-up users as "full users"

What is a "full user"?

A "full user" is someone who has entered their email to "claim" their wallet.

In other words; a guest user doesn't have to enter any details but if their session ID changes, they lose access to their items. By giving an email address, the user is able to re-auth/login and continue with their items and their wallet. This process of having an email address is what we call a "full user".

Someone can become a full user by:

  • Starting as a guest (no email given but a wallet created so they can get items without having to do anything), that has entered their email to upgrade to a full user,
  • Entered their email from the start,
  • You have sent us their email via our server-side API, so they don't have to do anything, but they become a full user. They will be sent a code that they need to enter to verify their email.
  • You can create a sign-up link for a guest user and send that to a user however you want. If they then enter their email they will be upgraded from a gust to a full user.

There are two important takeaways from our workflow:

  1. The email which enables them to re-auth and log back in after their sessions/device ID expires.
  2. The guest-to-full-user workflow enables you to have anyone use your app/game/etc without entering a single detail and prompts them to claim their wallet/give their details once they're invested.

The workflows explained:

Video: All options covered.


Sign up as a full user

Log in options

Log in options

Our SDK enables a user to sign up as a full user straight away by entering a username (optional) and an email (required).

They are then sent an email with a code which they have to enter to verify the email address. (See below image)

Sign up as a full user

Sign up as a full user

Sign up as a guest user, and convert to a full user

A user can sign-up as a guest which doesn't require any information. They can optionally provide a username if they want to, but they don't have to (a random username will be generated for them if this is left blank).

Logged in as a full user

Logged in as a full user

They can then click the "Convert Guest into full user" button to enter their email, get the code, and verify their email.

They will now be able to log back in.

Sign up as a full user - Server-side

You can sign up a full user server to server, and we trust the email is legit.

Create (gamer) user

In this API, you can submit:

  • No email, no username = guest user with a random username,
  • Email, no username = Full user, random username,
  • Email and username = Full user with the chosen username,
  • No email, with username = guest user with the chosen username.

The important bit here to create a full user is sending us the email.

This is what a full user who has an email submitted, but hasn't entered the code looks like in the platform. This is typically what you'll see when you first create a full user.

This is what a full user who has an email submitted, but hasn't entered the code looks like in the platform. This is typically what you'll see when you first create a full user.

Sign up as a guest user and convert to a full user - Client-side

We have a number of APIs to make a smooth workflow for upgrading users from guest to full:

This is a really simple and effective workflow to get as many users with a wallet as possible, and then to give them the option to give their email later.

Sign up link - Server-side

If you have users that have lost access to their account, or that you want to prompt to sign-up, you can create a sign-up link and send it to them:

Create sign up link for user

In the platform: Manually add users

At any point within the platform, you can manually go to players/users and click "add".

Manually add users

Manually add users